Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tree Frog

Been playing around with new pencils. I've been taking advantage of the fact that I'm in school to branch out and try new things. The best place to make mistakes, after all, is when you're in school. This particular pencil (Addressograph-Multigraph Corp Multilith 744. Say that three times fast) was apparently made by a company that used to make early versions of copy machines. It also declared bankruptcy in 1982. So, this awesome pencil (which I have no recollection of when/how it came into my possession) is probably an endangered species. Bew.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Is this thing on?

I recently read an article about orcas. Apparently, due to the popularity of whale-watching (and the noisy whale-watching boats) orcas have taken to "shouting" to be heard over the din.

"You know what, let me just call you back on a land line."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Friends: as you know, I recently moved from Chicago to DC to build a career in arts and graphic design. To further this dream (and give you all something shiny) I'm opening up shop for commissions. I'm talking basic illustrations, tattoo designs, logos etc. Hit me up at jodiergardner[at]gmail and let's get to work. Feel free to pass along as well. Cheers!