I get a little annoyed at politicians and pundits and lobbyists sometimes. As a grandchild of union employees who worked hard, lived smart and hoped for better, it discourages me that me and my future children are getting squeezed out of that same hope. The new "optimism" is getting a college education that puts you six figures in the hole and hoping for a job that pays you just enough to get by while praying to every god you know that your CEO doesn't decide he wants another Leer jet, or that the shareholders move operations to Bumblefuckistan because they can pay people .06$ a day which means some poor fuck like you gets the axe.
Seriously, it's a big country, but we're all in the same boat. Vote, pay your damn taxes, keep your neighborhood clean, take a moment to appreciate what this country has done, then work to make sure it can keep functioning as the awesome place that it is. That is tough work. But without it, democracy fails and tyranny prevails.